
Ninety-Seven Class Meeting.

The class of '97 held a meeting for the election of class officers in Lower Massachusetts last evening. G. C. Lee '94, called the meeting to order, and called at once for nominations for president. R. H. Stevenson and J. W. Dunlop were nominated. Dunlop withdrew, and Stevenson was elected by acclamation.

The newly elected president then took the chair, and announced that nominations for vice-president were in order. John W. Dunlop, A. M. Beale, and H. D. Irving were nominated, and Dunlop was finally elected. For secretary and treasurer, the following nominations were made: C. M. Weld, J. T. Hewes, James Dean, J. H. Choate, H. B. Huntington, J. P. Hayden, E. H. Wells, A. Lovering, J. Bowditch, and H. D. Irving. This contest was settled only after four ballots had been taken, and toward the end the class did a good deal of vigorous cheering. In the final vote Dean had 125 votes to Weld's 84.
