The prospect for a good junior eleven, no less than for a senior eleven, is decidedly discouraging at present. In the first place, there is a great need of more material and the men in the class who can play football should come out even at this late hour. If this is done the team is sure to be strengthened noticeably, besides being encouraged by the greater show of interest from the class.
The two elevens were made up yesterday as follows:
Hartwell, left end, J. K. Whittemore.
Teele, left tackle, Hitch.
Cockrell, left guard, Livingood.
Manning, centre, Tiffany.
Murchie, right guard, Sears.
Pierce, right tackle, Peabody.
Walker, right end, Tilston.
Mills, quarterback, Floyd.
Cook, halfback, Miller.
Knapp, halfback, Forbes.
Phelan, fullback, Whittemore.
Of these men only one,- Murchie, played on the freshman and sophomore elevens. Pierce and Cook both played on the team last year. All the other men are inexperienced as far as class games are concerned.
The men are light even for a class eleven and are very slow in their play. They do not play well together and there is little interference shown by the backs. It is hoped, however, that during the next week, under the coaching of Adams, Davis and Wadsworth, the eleven will make a cecided gain and get into such shape as to make a good showing in the class games.
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