
New Harvard Union.

The New Harvard Union will hold its competitive debate for the purpose of choosing new members on November 3, at 7.30, in Sever 11. The question to be debated is: "Resolved, that United States Senators should be elected by a direct vote of the people." Two members of the union will open the debate, one speaking on each side of the question. The debate will then be thrown open to all who wish to present themselves as candidates for election to membership. There will be present a committee of the college faculty to choose from the candidates a certain number of the best speakers, this number to depend on the total number of candidates. The society will hold its election of new members shortly after the debate. Any member of the University, including the Law School, may present himself as a candidate.

It is very important that men who hope to do anything at the debate this year should join at once. There will be in all probability debates with both Princeton and Yale, and while debates to choose speakers for these intercollegiate debates will be open to the University, it is a foregone conclusion that a member of a debating society, a man who has some reputation, will be more favorably considered than a man hitherto unknown.

The Wendell Phillips Club and New Harvard Union have a joint committee that is at present in communication with Yale and Princeton for the purpose of arranging debates.
