To the Editors of the Crimson:
The Cambridge Board of Aldermen are planning to remove the line of elms which extends from Quincy street to Harvard Square on the ground that "public necessity and convenience" demand that Harvard street shall be widened. Notices to this effect are posted on the trees in question and at 8.30 this evening a public hearing to receive any objections to the scheme will be held in City Hall.
It is true that the University exercises no control over these trees from a legal point of view, and yet it has a right to protest against any such outrageous defacement of the college yard. We have come to look upon these trees as a part of our possessions, whether rightly or wrongly. This removal not only will reduce that portion of the yard to a bare and dreary spectacle, but it will also sacrifice a sentiment which every one who is fond of his college associations must be loath to lose. Will not the proper college authorities take a stand against such action?
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Special Notices.