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II. As a change Home Rule is not advisable. (a) It would weaken the Empire, (1) Causing division between Great Britain and Ireland. (2) Causing division between Ulster and the rest of Ireland. (b) The present Irish leaders are not fit men to lead a nation. (c) The present leaders would not execute the Land Laws, thus undoing the good already accomplished. Contemporary, LXI, 314-331 (March 1892), LXII, 258-262 (August 1892). Nineteenth Century XXXI, 877-884 (June 1892); Edinburgh vol. 163, 562-590 (April, 1886).

III. As a Home Rule scheme this bill is inadequate.- (a) It is not a final settlement of the Irish Question: Speech of Mr. Chamberlain, London Times, Feb. 18, 1893, p. 6.- (b) It does not protect minorities: Quarterly, vol. 162, 545-580 (April, 1886)-(c) It is inconsistent with the working of the English Cabinet system: Polit Sci. Quarterly, vol. IV, 66-103 (March, 1889).
