
Special Notice.

TO RENT.- A very desirable suite of 2 rooms at 25 Holyoke street to let for college year at big sacrifice to present occupant. Address, S. R. Hollander, 28 Weld Hall.

WANTED.- Bright, sharp men, at once. Easy work, good pay. No outside scheme. Apply to Mr. Kimball, at the CRIMSON office, at half after one today. 10 tf

DANCING CLASS.- Mrs. L. J. Chandler's Dancing Class, Tuesday, Oct. 3, at 8 p. m. Odd Fellows' Hall, Cambridgeport. Private lessons. 1y

FOR RENT.- Hilton's Block, front room, first floor. Apply at office, 3 Linden street. 15 5t

A STUDENT having a few hours leisure a day may find profitable employment by addressing Graves and Henry, 9 Palmer street, Cambridge. 18 6t


A CLUB table for 10 or 12 can be accommodated in the private dining room of the Crimson Cafe. 19 12t

To be let, to a responsible party, a handsome, new mahogany upright (Miller) piano. Apply, 38 Shepard street. Orders taken for shorthand and typewriting from dictation or manuscript, at 3 Harvard Row. 18 3t

TO LET.- A very desirable suite of rooms, No. 5 Hastings. Two bed rooms and a study. Second floor, south and east exposure, good view of Holmes Field. $50 bonus. Apply to bursar.

ECONOMICS 1.- A new edition of a Synopsis of Mill's Principles of Political Economy, revised to date. This book of about one hundred pages contains the main working principles of the larger text book of over one thousand pages.

It is of inestimable aid to the student in preparing for the weekly written questions and will save hours of study in preparation for the mid-year and final examinations.

EDW. W. WHEELER, 21 41 418 Harvard St., Cambridge, Mass.
