The new plan adopted by the French Department of systematizing the matter of tutors is an excellent one. There is always a demand for good tutors, and up to this time there has been no means of telling what men were capable of doing this sort of work. Now a man who thinks himself capable of tutoring may very materially add to his chances of securing employment by passing the test of the French Department and being recommended in certain courses. As many men in college are dependent to a great degree on tutoring to pay their expenses, any such move as this, whereby the names of capable tutors are brought before the students, backed up by good authority, is helpful and generous. A scheme of such obvious advantage ought not to be confined to one department alone. The number of men in other departments who would be glad of such a recommendation is very great, and there is no reason why help should be given French tutors more than others. The whole system of tutoring can be brought much nearer college life if it is taken in hand by the authorities and made a recognized factor of the work here.
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