
A Prize Offered to Seniors.

A new prize has been added to the list of those already offered by the University which is intended to encourage men to prepare themselves for journalism. Mr. James Gordon Bennett, proprietor of the New York Herald offered the University the sum of $1000 to establish a prize for "the best essay in English prose upon some subject of American governmental, domestic or foreign policy of contemporaneous interest." The gift was gratefully accepted on the terms named in Mr. Bennett's letter which were briefly these: That the sum be kept invested and the interest there of be given annually to the member of the senior class who should write the best essay on the subject mentioned above.

Mr. Bennett has offered similar prizes to other colleges as well, including Yale and Princeton, and the less important conditions as to the choice of a subject, the rules of composition, etc., he has left for the Faculty of each college to arrange as shall best suit each case. His idea is that the prize be adapted locally to each college in which it is established while maintaining the same general plan.
