It is gratifying to know, that in spite of the many rumors that have been floating around to the contrary, that entirely satisfactory arrangements have been made with the committee at Springfield with regard to having the Harvard-Yale game at Hampden Park this fall. Not only that, but satisfactory arrangements have been made for next year if the management wish to play the game there. At present the field is in poor condition, but a gang of men is at work, levelling, sodding and rolling it, so that it will be in the best of condition by Nov. 25. Mr. Burnham, who had the contract for putting up the stands last year, has the work again. This year, however, the pitch of the seats will be greater, and where before there were ten sections, each with rows seating thriteen, there will now be in the same length of stand eleven sections, each with rows seating twelve persons.
The sale of tickets for the game with Cornell, to be played on Manhattan Field, New York city, Saturday, November 4, is being conducted on a plan similar to that for the Harvard-Yale game. Blanks for not more than two reserved seats will be received from any graduate or member of Harvard University until October 25.
Those received before October 22 will be filled by lot, after that date as they come; but no tickets will be sent before October 29.
Check or money order and self directed and stamped envelope must accompany each order. Tickets will be sent by registered mail if postage stamps to the amount of twelve cents are put on the self directed envelope.
Seats will be reserved by number and letter. The price of tickets is two dollars. One dollar and a half seats may be obtained at the public sales.
Many blanks have already been sent to Boston, New York and Ithica.
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