VOLUNTER Courses in Vocal Training, Vocal Expression and Speaking will be given on Tuesdays and Thursdays, open to students of the College, the Law School or other departments of the University. Courses may be arranged for one, two or three hours a week, for the fall term or the entire year. Assistance will be given to individuals as in former years. Those desiring appointments for class or individual instruction are requested to call at Holden Chapel, as early as possible Tuesdays, 9 to 5, or Thursdays, 2.30 to 5.
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S. S. CURRY.FOXCROFT CLUB.- Men who have signed at the Foxcroft Club are requested to report at once. No places will be reserved after Monday, Oct. 2.
CHARLES A. KOFOID, Secretary.NINETY-FOUR.- Will the following men be at Sanders Theatre at 9 o'clock tonight to usher: W. A. Dupee, R. T. W. Moss, J. M. Thompson, A. L. Wetmore, H. A. Cutler, R. C. King, H. R. Coffin, C. De Jackson, H. Kennedy, R. E. Paine, J. C. Sharp, J. H. Bell, R. Homans, L. D. Hill, L. Davis, H. M. Wheelwright, B. Wells, J. D. Hubbell, C. Morgan, H. C. Lakin, J. B. Lowell, L. Bacon, L. Heckscher, E. P. Saltonstall, R. P. Blake, G. C. Kellogg, R. B. Beals.
'VARSITY GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal today afternoon at 4.30 of all men on club last spring. Very important concert tonight.
C. MORGAN, Sec.MEETING of the Harvard Cycling Association on Monday, October 2, in 13 Wadsworth, at 7.45 p. m. Election of officers. Every member come.
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P. W. DAVIS. Pres.J. CHASE, J. B. Read, Gosline, G. L. Wrenn, will please call at 896 Main street, between 10 o'clock and 1 today.
W. LYMAN.'94 ELEVEN.- All candicates must be on Norton's field at 4 o'clock sharp.
R. B. BEALS.ALL those who were at last year's freshman football training table meet at 9 Holyoke House at 7.30 tonight to elect officers for this year's class eleven.
Read more in News
Freshman Football Notice.