ANDOVER CLUB.- Important meeting, Friday, October 20, at 8 p. m., in 16 Holworthy. Every member of the University who ever attended Phillips Academy is requested to attend. Please observe change in date. 18 3t
'VARSITY football squad dressed for practice at 3.00 sharp.
B. G. WATERS.MR. LATHROP will hereafter be on the track only in the morning, from 10 to 1.
H. M. WHEELWRIGHT, Capt.THE Shakespear Club will meet Wednesday, at 8 p. m. in 62 College House.
HAROLD E. ADDISON.'94 ELEVEN.- Backs be on Norton's at 3.15. Other men at 3.45 sharp.
R. B. BEALS.18 3t
'96 ELEVEN.- All candidates be on Norton's at 3.30. Men must be on time. The following men must be examined between 2 and 3 p. m. Lewis, Booth, Duff, Selfridge, Amory.
A. BORDEN.'95 FOOTBALL.- All candidates for the '95 football team must be dressed and on Norton's at 3.45 sharp.
G. MURCHIE.ALL candidates for the freshman crew, not football men, will be in the rowing room of the gymnasium at 3.30 p. m. today, dressed to row. Men will bring lists of afternoon recitations.
L. DAVIS, Captain University Crew.PIERIAN.- Four French horns are wanted, or four experienced cornets to learn French horn. Any University man who can play is requested to see A. S. Hyde, leader, 24 Hilton Block.
PIERIAN SODALITY.- Full rehearsal at Roberts Hall, Wednesday afternoon at 4 sharp.
17 2t H. L. PRESCOTT, Sec.
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