

'VARSITY football squad dressed for practice at 3.30 sharp.

B. G. WATERS.'94 ELEVEN.- The following men be dressed for play at 3.45 sharp: Lee, Long, Richardson, Williams, Saltonstall, White, Cary, Carter, McDonald, Newman, Wrenn, Harding, Short, Cabot, Earle, Borden, Gardner, Garrison, Clark, Brooks, C. G. Hoag, and all other candidates.

R. B. BEALS.THERE will be a meeting of Harvard members of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew in 17 Grays, Monday, Oct. 16, at 7 p. m. Father Frisbie will make an address, and there will be short reports from the Detroit convention.

Members of other chapters, who have come to Harvard this year are cordially invited to be present, and any members of the University interested in Brotherhood work will be heartily welcomed.

HAROLD E. ADDISON, Sec. pro tem.'96 ELEVEN.- All candidates be on Norton's at 3.30 sharp.


A. BORDEN.HARVARD SHOOTING CLUB.- Shoot this afternoon from 2.30 to 4.30. Match A will be continued and match B started.

HARVARD BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight at 7 in 18 Holworthy. Old men and those accepted on trial must come on time.

CAPTAINS of the class elevens will please meet at 13 Matthews Tuesday evening at 7.30 sharp.

B. G. WATERS.'95 FOOTBALL.- All candidates for the '95 football team must be dressed at 3.45 in the gymnasium.

G. MURCHIE.FRESHMAN crew candidates please report Tuesday instead of Monday as announced.

R. DAVIS, Captain University Crew.READING AND SPEAKING.- Voluntary classes in Reading and Speaking will be held Monday, from 10 to 12, Tuesday and Friday, from 10 to 11, in Sever 11; and Thursday, from 3.30 to 4.30, in Sever 30. These classes are open to all members of the University.

The advanced sections will meet in Sever 30 Thursday, from 2.30 to 3.30; and Friday, from 2.30 to 4.30.

C. T. COPELAND.10 6t
