

Harvard '95, 12, C. M. T. S., 0.

A sharply contested practice game was played yesterday afternoon between '95's class team and the Manual Training School, which resulted in a victory for '95. Ninety-five was somewhat heavier, but the Training School played a very plucky game throughout. No attempt was made by '95 to kick goals. The teams lined up as follows:

'95. C. M. T. S.

Whittemore, left end, Kidder.

Hitch, left tackle, Chafe.

Goodwin, left guard, Warren.


Peabody, center, Burnett.

Murchie, capt. right guard, Burns.

Pierce, right tackle, Thompson.

Peters, right end, Hopkins.

Floyd, quarterback, Morse, capt.

Knapp, halfback, Murphy.

Cook, halfback, Sullivan.

Raymond, fullback, Grant.

Referee, Phelan '95. Umpire, Mr. Harlow. Time, 30 min.
