About thirty men are training for the ninety-six eleven. The work of the team this week has not shown as great improvement as might be expected. The men seem willing enough, but they are very light. The great need is for heavy men for the line. On Tuesday the team played two short halves with ninety-five in which neither side scored. The players were frequently changed so as to give as many men as possible a chance to play. On Thursday the team played ninety-four.
Today they play Cambridge Manual Training School. The probable makeup will be as follows: Selfridge, r. e.; Steedman, r. t.; Thomas and Roman, r. g.; Fox, c.; Paine, l. g.; Kane, l. t.; Dibblee, l. e.; Borden, q. b.; Mann, Scott and Hayes, h. b.; Hammond, f. b.
The freshman eleven are worse this year than they have been in the memory of any undergraduate. They started with good prospects, over sixty candidates appearing, but the number has now dwindled down to ten or twelve some days. The lack of interest shown by the class as a whole is something unprecedented. The coachers, T. E. Sherwin '94, and J. S. Wadsworth '95, have about concluded that there is no chance to make a good freshman eleven. The only consolation is that the freshmen now with the 'varsity squad will eventually play with their class team.
There are, however, a few faithful men. Irving, the temporary captain, is a very good fullback, but is not snappy enough with his men. At halfback, Pillsbury, from Exeter, is the best man. Gay, from Boston Latin, is the only promising end. At guard, Smith, another Exeter player, will develop into a good man if he can get weight. He weighs only 156 pounds at present. The younger brother of Dudley Dean is the best of the fourteen candidates for quarterback.
If men would come out and play regularly the coachers would have some encouragement.
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