
Special Notice.

TO RENT.- A very desirable suite of 2 rooms at 25 Holyoke street to let for college year at big sacrifice to present occupant. Address, S. R. Hollander, 28 Weld Hall.

A CLUB table can be accommodated at Miss Cotter's, 10 Oxford St. 9 4t

SEATS at a general table at Peabody Club. Board $6 a week. Also a club table for eight. Formerly a Mrs. Morgan. 126 Mt. Auburn street. 5 8t

FOR rent after Christmas holidays, one of the best rooms in Hilton Block, facing yard. 11 2t

WANTED.- Bright, sharp men, at once. Easy work, good pay. No outside scheme. Apply to Mr. Kimball, at the CRIMSON office, at half after one today. 10 tf


PIERIAN SODALITY.- There will be a rehearsal of old and new men, Friday, October 13, at 7 p. m.

H. L. PRESCOTT, Sec.DANCING CLASS.- Mrs. L. J. Chandler's Dancing Class, Tuesday, Oct. 3, at 8 p. m. Odd Fellows' Hall, Cambridgeport. Private lessons. 1y

PRIZE OF $25.- Amee Brothers offer this prize, payable Nov. 1 for active canvassing for a certain article of value. Particulars will be sent on application.

FIRST-CLASS table board for a limited number of students can be had at 16 Prescott street. 12 2t

LOST.- Between Beck Hall, Quincy street, Divinity avenue, and Oxford street, a black pocket book containing about $30. $5 reward for returning same to owner, at 44 Shepard street.

FOR SALE.- Two handsome black saddle and driving mares. Stand 14-2. Weigh about 825 lbs each. Both sired by the prize saddle horse Wilson Dnmark and bred in Colorado. They are thoroughly acclimated, as they have been here a year. Fine saddlers, extra roaders and perfectly fearless. Call and see them.

C. F. SANBORN, 12 2t* 125 Magazine St., Cambridgeport.PACH BROS. have recently made some excellent portraits of Bishop Lawrence which they have for sale at the studio. 13 3t
