The 'varsity beat Technology yesterday 34 to 0 in a game of forty minutes, the first half being twenty-five minutes, the second fifteen. Last year's score on November 2, was also 34 to 0, but the halves were each thirty minutes.
Waters was in conference with Captain Hinkey and Manager Holter of Yale and did not play. Emmons acted as captain. Dunlop played in place of Waters.
The 'varsity showed on the whole an improvement over any previous playing, though Technology were far from being a strong eleven. Newell did not play, nor did Beal. Their places were filled by Johnson and Baldwin. Considering that Waters was not playing, the 'varsity showed considerable snap and energy.
The defensive work is beginning to tell. In very few cases were Technology's backs able to buck the center successfully, and running round the end was out of the question. The interference was a little weaker than it has been in some days. The blockers did not strike their men hard enough to throw them clear off their feet.
Individually considered, the 'varsity players were clean in their tackling, and quick in breaking through. The backs all ran well and interfered well, except that they were not severe enough. Corbett showed a slight tendency to run back, and once or twice was a little too quick in leaving his blockers, to run inside. Dunlop played unusually well. He runs well, and interferes well as a rule, though he has not played long enough always to take the right man, when blocking off.
Acton played left guard the first half, and was in all the plays with good effect. He showed a good knowledge of interference and always took pains to dispose of his man once for all.
Johnson's work at tackle was an improvement. He broke through continually and also tackled well.
Long runs were not so common as in earlier games, but all the backs were sure to make some gain, enough to keep the ball. There was one long run, however, that has not been beaten this year. Corbett ran sixty yards and scored. The whole eleven were in this play. Acton, Mackie, Stevenson, Fairchild and Dunlop were especially prominent. And it seems to be the case with the eleven that if the opposing rush line do not break through before they get started, they can make at least 25 yards at a time.
There is little to be said about the particulars of the game. With the exception of a half dozen runs of fifteen or twenty yards, the gains were made in short rushes. The score was 24 at the end of the first half. There were in all six touchdowns. Corbett kicked five goals.
Emmons, left end, Underwood.
Baldwin, left tackle, Simonds.
Laimbeer, left guard, Perkins.
Acton, left guard, Perkins.
T. Mannahan, left guard, Perkins.
Lewis, center, Mannahan.
Mackie, right guard, Washburn.
right guard, Whiting.
Johnson, right tackle, Mayo.
Stevenson, right end, Owen.
Fairchild, quarterback, Thomas.
Corbett, halfback, Clark.
Dunlop, halfback, Curtis.
Bewer, fullback, Andrews.
Touchdows: Brewer, 3; Dunlop, 2; Corbett, 1. Goals: Corbett, 5. Referee, W. A. Brooks. Umpire, P. H. Thomas, Technology.
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