

Once more it is our painful duty to call the attention of our readers to the continued evidence of poor taste on the part of the editors of Outing. "Harry's Career at Yale" has passed its fiftieth chapter and gives no signs of ceasing. We have heard of editors stopping the publication of stories on account of overdrawn realism or naturalism; it is well nigh time we were hearing of editors stopping the publication of stories on account of the greater sin of stupidity. The world has already had more than enough of "Harry" and his "Career" and of Mr. John Seymour Wood. To quote Mr. Barrett Wendell. a story has no reason for existence when it fails to interest the reader. "Harry" has long since ceased to interest one - except as a curiosity, - a freak of literature.

The CRIMSON takes this opportunity of offering its deepest sympathy to the members of Yale University and trusts that it may be many years before another "Harry" is born among them.

Outing devotes more space than usual this month to its fiction. There are five stories most notable among which is Edgar Fawcett's "A Comedy of Counterparts." There is a very entertaining paper by Arthur Montebiore on "Some Famous Alpine Ascents," illustrated with sketches of some of the wildest Swiss mountains.

"Lenz's World Tour Awheel" is short but interesting and Gordon Taylor has a good account of "Snow-Shoeing in the White Mountains."

The Foot-ball department contains a review of the foot-ball session just past by John Corbin, Gr.

