ALL members of the Phi Delta Theta Fraternity, in the University, are requested to meet at 22 Felton, at 8 o'clock, Saturday evening, January 7.
'93 CREW. - The senior Crew will begin work on Monday. All those who would like to try for the crew will please see me sometime before then.
GEORGE E. BURGESS.'93 ELEVEN, - Class, Championship Cups may be obtained by members of the team at Leavitt & Pierce's.
'Varsity Management.HARVARD GLEE, BANJO AND MANDOLIN CLUBS. - Will all members who have claims on the Treasurer of the Glee Club for rebates on fares paid on the Christmas Trip, send word to him at 8 Holworthy, stating the names of cites between which such fares were paid.
H. A. CUTLER, Treas.
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