
Harvard Graduates in the Public Service.

The article of Charles P. Ware '62 in the last number of the Harvard Graduates' Magazine does much to answer the question that is often asked, "Except in educational and philanthropic enterprises, and occasionally in some subordinate public office, what service to the public has been rendered by the sons of Harvard?"

The following list contains the names of those graduates who have filled important offices in the public service. Only the higher officers are named. The list would probably be doubled in length if made to include members of State legislature, judges of inferior courts, mayors, subordinate Federal officials, secretaries of legations, consuls, members of public commissions, etc. Moreover, graduates of other departments of the University, not alumni of the College, are not named here.

Presidents of the United States.


1755 John Adams.


1787 John Quincy Adams.


1755 John Adams.

1762 Elbridge Gerry.

Cabinet Officers.

1763 Timothy Pickering, State, War and Navy. Postmaster-General.

1770 Samuel Osgood, Postmaster-General.

1772 William Eustis, War.

1772 Levi Lincoln, Attorney-General.

1781 Samuel Dexter, Treasury, War.

1787 John Quincy Adams, State.

1811 Edward Everett, State.

1817 George Bancroft, Navy.

1817 Caleb Cushing, Attorney-General.

1835 Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar, Attorney-General.

1838 Charles Devens, Attorney-General.

1843 William Adams Richardson, Treasury.

1847 William Crowninshield Endicott, War.

1863 Charles Stebbins Fairchild, Treasury.

1864 Robert Todd Lincoln, War.

+++ Ministers Plenipotentiary, etc.

1642 George Downing, to Holland from Cromwell and Charles II.

1755 John Adams, to Holland, France, Great Britain.

1762 Francis Dana, to Russia.

1762 Elbridge Gerry, to France.

1771 Jamee Bowdoin, to Spain.

1772 William Eustis, to Holland.

1777 Rufus King, to Great Britain.

1787 John Quincy Adams, to Holland Portugal, Russia, Prussia, Great Britain.

1806 Alexander Hill Everett, to Spain.

1806 William Pitt Preble, to Holland.

1811 Edward Everett, to Great Britain.

1817 George Bancroft, to Great Britain, Prussia, Germany.

1817 Caleb Cushing, to China, Spain.

1825 Charles Francis Adams. to Great Britain.

1831 Charles Eames, to Venezuela.

1831 John Lothrop Motley, to Austria, Great Britain.

1836 Edward Joy Morris. to Turkey.

1838 George Bailey Loring, to Portugal.

1838 James Russell Lowell, to Spain, Great Britain.

1840 John Chandler Bancroft Davis, to Germany.

1841 Wickham, Hoffman to Denmark.

1841 James Rudolph Partridge, to Brazil, Peru.

1845 Ayres Philip Merrill, to Belgium.

1845 Thomas Russell, to Venezuela.

1847 Augustine Heard, to Corea.

1850 Thomas Jefferson Coolidge, to France.

1853 John Davis Washburn, to Switzerland.

1864 Robert Todd Lincoln, to Great Britain.

1872 Perry Belmont, to Spain.

1888 Roland Blennerhassett Mahany, to Ecuador.
