

Dr. Lyman Abbott at Appleton Chapel yesterday afternoon taking his text from the first few verses of the fourth chapter of St. Matthew made a most forcible New Year's address. He said, who of us has not heard this voice of the tempter? To some just starting out in life it is the voice of pleasure, of self, of indulgence; to others the voice of liberty and independence, and to others still the voice of success. To the first the tempter says now is the time, pleasure like champagne, drink it quick when you can best appreciate it; to the second, why be trammelled by laws and obedience, do as you please; to the third nothing succeeds like success. The only kings are the rail-road-kings, the only barons the coal-barons, the only lords the landlords. Don't be benevolent until you get something to be benevolent with.

Opposed to this voice of the tempter is the other voice, heard throughout the Bible. It says, God is law, and law is God. True happiness is not reached by self-service but by self-sacrifice. Success does not consist of so much power or so much wealth. Alexander listened to the tempter's voice and died in a drunken bout at thirty-three. It brought Caesar the assassin's knife, and gave Napoleon St. Helena. Jay Gould died hating the whole world and hated by it.

Choose then at the beginning of this New Year which voice you will heed, which path you will follow. Now the paths are near together but they will rapidly diverge and soon will be separated by too wide a gulf to be crossed.

During the service the choir sang the following pieces: Anthem, It came upon the mid-night clear. - Sullivan; Anthem, The people that walked in darkness. - (from the Messiah); Anthem, The star that now is shining. - Oliver King. Soloist, Mr. Heinrich Meyn.
