Wayne MacVeagh Jr., son of the Ex-At. General, died of heart disease at his home in Philadelphia last Sunday. He was never strong and the two unfortunate accidents, the one a fall from horseback while he was hunting, and the other the overturning of his carriage by an electric car, in addition to a severe attack of malaria gave his friends great uneasiness. He left college two or three weeks before the holidays but never realized he was dangerously ill. His sudden and unexpected death will be a terrible shock to his many friends.
McVeagh entered college as a ninety-three special. After graduating he intended to study law in Philadelphia, and gave promise of making a brilliant success in his profession. In athletics he was fond of baseball and cricket, having played on the latter team since he entered college and being captain of it this year. He was a member of many social clubs, among others the D. K. E. the Pudding, and the Delta Phi.
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History XI.