
Resolutions of the St. Paul's Society.

At a meeting of the St. Paul's Society held last night the following resolutions on the death of the Rt. Rev. Phillips Brooks D. D. were adopted:

We, the members of the St. Paul's Society in Harvard University, desiring to express the sense of our great loss we have suffered in the death of the universally beloved Bishop of Massachusetts, an Honorary Member of our Society, do hereby

Resolve, That in the death of the Rt. Rev. Phillips Brooks D. D., we have lost an earnest helper, a devoted counsellor, and an affectionate friend, endeared to us as to all who knew him, by his large and kindly nature; that his deep interest in our welfare from the beginning will always be gratefully remembered by the Society; that, although his loss is irreparable, he has left to us a noble example. Be it further

Resolved, That these resolutions be entered in the records of the Society, and that a copy of them be sent to the family of the late Bishop, and that they be published in the Church and secular papers.
