The sixth number of the Advocate is not up to its usual standard: the editorials are far from being edifying or from expressing college opinions, the stories are mostly weak, and the College Kodaks are not worth mentioning. The Advocate feels it "incumbent" upon itself now, the middle of January, to "make some remark upon the football game, since it is of so much interest to all the men here." Its remarks are exceedingly interesting. It views the defeat in a rather gloomy light. We are told that "we were on the whole outplayed," "it was fortunate that a 'fluke' touchdown was not given us." finally we are told that our standard "was not up to that of a decidedly mediocre Yale team" -remarkable, is it not, that the best team Yale ever put in the field should have barely succeeded in scoring six points towards the end of the second half? It is unnecessary for us to say anything further upon the subject, for any one who takes the trouble to read the editorial can see for himself that it totally fails in expressing college opinion or the opinion of any fair minded person or competent judge. The editorial upon the Sophomore Theatricals and the Freshman Musical Clubs is rather weak in subject matter and decidedly tiresome in style.
Among the stories one of the most noticeable is Eugene Warner's "The Blessed Cynic," though it is not noticeable on account of its merit. It is not at all above the author's former work. a severe enough criticism in itself. The College Kodaks are not very good, the first is poor, the second is fair, the fifth is pointless, while the last is neither funny nor pleasing. A redeeming feature of the number is "The Picture That Was Turned Towards The Wall." It is a good story and is well told. "Berenice" is a peculiar story and the point is singularly obscure. "Ave Pueritia" is a dainty bit of verse with a feeling rather deeper than what is usually found in the Advocate.
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