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A course of study conferring the degree of A. B., and in which the modern languages may take the place of Latin and Greek, is to be included in next year's curriculum at Tufts.

The fund started about six weeks ago for a quarter of a million dollars, in the hope of incorporating the "Annex" as a department of the University, has reached nearly $63,000.

The class of '95. at Smith, has voted to petition the faculty for permission to publish a college paper. No paper has been sanctioned by the faculty thus far in the history of the college.

President Andrews of Brown has been appointed one of the Commissioners to test the weight and fineness of coins at the United States mints.

The youngest graduates from Harvard were Cotton Mather who graduated at the age of 16, Paul Dudley, at the age of 14 and Rev. A. P. Peabody at 15.


The forty-two boxes for the Yale Junior Promenade have been sold for an average bonus of $100 each. Last year the bonus was about $65, the regular price being $20.

Prof. Taussig reviews the recent contributions to the tariff discussion, in the Harvard Journal of Economics for January.

Van Leuven has left Amherst College and has accepted a position as instructor in gymnastics at the Y. M. C. A. in Atlanta, Georgia.
