
Mass Meeting.

The mass meeting last evening was called to order by B. W. Trafford, as President of the Senior Class. Mr. H. H. White was introduced and explained that the graduate committee in charge of the improvement of Soldier's Field have already collected about $47,000 from graduates, and that they have applied to the undergraduates to raise $3000, not wishing to begin work on the field until they have $50,000 in their hands. He also recommended that the sum be collected by committees elected from the four classes. A nominating committee consisting of Vail, Frothingham, Thompson, and Waters, captains of the four athletic teams, recommended the following men, to constitute the committees: from '93. B. W. Trafford, G. B. Pierce, and R. G. Emmet; from '94, G. C. Lee, D. W. Lane, and R. Homans; from '95, R. W. Emmons, C. H. Mills, N. H. White; from '96, J. C. Fairchild, H. R. Storrs, A. Borden. These committees were appointed to be responsible for the money, which they are to pass over to Mr. H. H. White. These committees jointly are to have power to collect subscriptions from departments outside the college. According to the above arrangements, each class will have to subscribe not far from $600, if the other departments can be relied upon for anything. With these small sums to collect, there ought to be no difficulty in getting the needed amount. Certainly every man in college ought to subscribe his small share to the lasting benefit of all the athletic teams. It certainly would be a disgrace and a parody on Harvard's enthusiastic support, if the committees should have any difficulty in their undertaking.
