The Northwestern Methodist College was burned Saturday.
The final match in the Yale chess tournament will be played this week.
Professor Channing will give a "review" of the course in History 1 on Feb. 6, at 2 p. m.
The Miller Club of the U. of P. Law School is to conduct a criminal trial in a few days.
The Princeton Alumni Association of Maryland will hold its eighth annual reunion on Feb. 2.
The sophomore weekly composition work will be discontinued at Yale after the midyear examinations.
The Laboratory in Botany II will be open on Wednesday and Thursday for the benefit of those who are behind in their work.
Prof. Hart will give a lecture at three o'clock to-day, covering the geography of History XIII. The attendance is voluntary.
Prof. A. S. Hardy of Dartmouth, the distinguished novelist and mathematician has obtained a leave of absence, and will succeed Howells as editor of the Cosmopolitan magazine.
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University Calendar.