Up to this time the University News of the University of Chicago has been conducted as a private enterprise but at a mass meeting of the students held last
Thursday it was put in the hands of the students who elected editors and accepted the paper as the recognized college organ. The paper was first published two weeks after college opened and has been very successful, financially and otherwise. But owing to the general feeling that it was not really a college institution but only a private enterprise, little interest has been taken by the students in its welfare. It is hoped that putting it in the hands of the students will establish it on a firmer foundation and raise it to a level of the best college papers.
In an editorial on the subject the News makes the following surprising statement:
"There is no question but that if the paper was held as private property the growing number of students and the increasing support would make it as valuable a source of income to the editors as the HARVARD CRIMSON or Yale news which pay the expenses of the fourteen or fifteen men who do the actual work on them."
The HARVARD CRIMSON and Yale News are not held as private property, as this quotation seems to imply, but are distinctly college organs, with editors chosen from the students at large, and with columns open to every member of the Universities. The University News is also very wide of the mark in the statement that the CRIMSON and Yale News pay the expenses of the editors. What surplus there may be is divided among all the editors on the CRIMSON, and among the senior board on the Yale News, but in neither case does the money represent the value of the work done on the paper or does it in the case of the CRIMSON pay the expenses even of tuition.
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