There are thirty candidates for the Columbia crew.
Sixty different colleges are represented at Cornell among the graduates.
Six members of Cutler's School in New York will enter Yale next fall.
Sixteen of the Leland Stanford Jr. Faculty are graduates of Cornell.
A project is on foot at Tufts to build a dormitory on Curtis street for women.
An addition will be built to the Tufts museum as soon as weather permits.
There are 59 entries for the open novice sparring tournament of the B. A. A.
The candidates for the 'Varsity ball team will begin work in the cage today.
The number of students at the University of Michigan has doubled since 1884.
The Princeton Glee, Banjo and Guitar clubs made over $1200 on their recent trip.
During the past year the faculty at Tufts has been increased by five professors.
The Yale Union has elected the following officers: President, E. H. Wells of Louisville, Ky.; vice-president, R. H. Nichols of Binghamton, N. Y.; secretary, W. J. Lamson of Montclair, N. J.; treasurer, J. D. Warnock of Geneva, N. Y.
The Harvard Club Book, the new illustrated college annual containing historical sketches and lists of present officers and members of the various societies together with full page illustrations of the college buildings, athletic teams etc. will be put on sale in a few days.
The Brown University catalogue shows the largest enrollment in the history of that institution, there being a total of 549. Fifteen new members have been added to the faculty.
The Johns Hopkins University, by special permit, has accorded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy to Miss. Florence Bascom, daughter of Prof. John Bascom of Williams.
The presidents of the following colleges are graduates of Yale: Yale University, Johns Hopkins University, Rutger's College, University of Minnesota, Pennsylvania State College, Beloit College, Atlanta University. Tulane University, Southern University and Doane College.
Ten years ago Mr. William E. Weld gave $95,000 to found what is known as the "New Professorship" (or Black Professorship) at the Harvard Law School, with the stipulation that his name should not be made public until his death. Professor Thayer holds this professorship.
The annual meeting and dinner of the Yale Alumni Association of Boston and vicinity will be held at Hotel Vendome on Friday, January 27. President Dwight, Gen. Francis A. Walker, Hon. Henry E. Howland, Rev. Joseph Twichell, Prof. Henry W. Farnham, Mr. Walter Camp and the football team have been invited and are expected to be present.
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