
A National University.

Senator Proctor of Vermont will probably introduce into the Senate this week a bill looking to the foundation of a great national university in Washington. The bill is said to be practical, and to have features that will commend it to the support every congressman. The framer is Ex-Governor John W Hayt, of Wyoming, an experienced educator, who represented the American universities at the university celebrations in the Old World, and who is familiar with institutions of learning on the continent. He thinks that no place in the world has so many promising possibilities and advantages as Washington, and that a university established there has the chance of parity, if not primacy, among American educational institutions. The bill is unique in that it provides for the government issue of $20,000,000 worth of bonds, bearing 5 per cent; these to be turned over to the new institution, and the $1,000,000 thus provided yearly to be a fund for getting the best professors in the land. In this way the museums, the Smithsonian Institute, and other national institutions can be brought in close relations with the proposed university.
