Every ticket has been given out for tonight's debate and hundreds of applications have had to be unfilled. There is a considerable number of seats however that will undoubtedly not be occupied by ticket-holders, and everyone will have a chance at these at 8 o'clock. Inasmuch as it is printed upon the tickets that they will be good till eight o'clock, the management has decided to throw open the gates not at 7.50, as previously announced, but at eight sharp. About one hundred prominent graduates residents in and about Boston have accepted invitations to sit on the platform. Besides them, some twenty Yale men and a large number of the faculty will also be accommodated there.
The Yale men arrived last night. and were received by J. S. Brown L. S. and G. P. Costigan L, S. who will see that they are entertained till after the debate. A large delegation from Yale accompanied the speakers.
President Eliot will preside. He will introduce the speakers in the following order:
Homer Stille Cummings L. S. of Yale.
Carl Vrooman, Sp., of Harvard.
Frank Edward Donelly, '93, of Yale.
Edward Henry Warren, '95. of Harvard.
Edwin Ruthren Lamson, '93, of Yale.
Arthur Parker Stone, '93, of Harvard.
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Graduate Athletic Association.