THE appointment of Mr. Herbert H. White as Graduate Athletic Treasurer and Manager, negotiations on which have been proceeding for so long, has finally been announced. Mr. White's duties will begin in July of this year.
This new office of Graduate Manager has long been wanted and its establishment will do much to simplify the management of athletic teams. The duties of the office will be very important. It will combine the services of treasurer and manager in one man; that is to say, all the funds relating to athletic teams and practically the entire management of these teams will be in the hands of the Graduate Treasurer and Manager.
The advantages arising from this are several and important. In the first place it will relieve the work hitherto borne by undergraduate managers of the various teams. This work has naturally taken a large part of their time and thought with serious detriment to their college studies. They will, however, be appointed as before, but the responsibility and a large part of the work will be taken from them.
In the second place it will afford a closer and better management of the funds. Hitherto the Graduate Treasurer, a person in another town and occupied in other business, has had charge of the surplus over the expenses of each athletic team. It has been useless to furnish him with detailed accounts of expenses, for he has neither the time nor the experience in learning what are and what are not justified to verify them. He has served chiefly as a receiver of proceeds. The Graduate Treasurer now will be able to reduce expenses to a proper sum and to keep an itemized account of them.
Again, there will be the advantage of being able to hire the same contractors for the business work in connection with all the teams. Instead of various contractors for making stands, roping off grounds +++ for various games, one contractor can be hired to do all the work for a fixed sum. Still further, the purchase of athletic outfit can be made of one firm or store instead of with several, as it is at present. In this way, current expenses can be kept lower than they are now. We may expect also a solution of the training-table problem and the establishment of one which will prove more successful than the last.
These and various other advantages will come with the appointment of the Graduate Athletic Treasurer and Manager. In appointing Mr. White to this office the Athletic Committee have chosen a man, who, by his business experience in many directions is excellently suited for the work. We may confidently expert that in his hands the management of the athletic teams will be successful.
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