By the recent efforts of the Athletic Committee a new office has been created, that of Graduate Athletic Treasurer and Manager. Mr. Herbert H. White, the recent Secretary of the Football Association has been appointed to fill that office though by the contract his duties will not begin till next July. The office will combine in one man the duties of the Graduate treasurer and of Undergraduate managers, though these managers will be appointed by the Graduate Manager and subject to him. He will, in short, take charge of all business and financial management of the athletic sports of the University. He will attend to the athletic fields, improvements of them, building of grand stands, the arrangements of the field at Springfield and all the business affairs in this connection, and also the furnishing of athletic goods for the various teams. He will not, however, have anything to do in deciding with what colleges our teams shall hold games or on what dates they shall be played. These questions will be left to the captains or other officers of the various teams. Still further, the Graduate Manager will receive and hold all money resulting from athletics sports and disburse or invest them for the benefit of Harvard Athletics according to his judgement but subject to the approval of the Athletic Committee. The Graduate Manager, therefore, holds fairly unlimited powers; but he is responsible to the Athletic Committee. While he will have liberal powers in the management of the finances and the business relations of the athletic teams, in important questions of finance he will be subject to the Athletic Committee and in cases of disagreements in the business affairs of the athletic teams the final decision will rest with the Athletic Committee. The great object of this office, therefore, is to improve the business matters, and to economize as much as possible in expenses, by placing the management of both in the hands of a responsible and competent man.
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Graduate Athletic Association.