
Valuable to Athleties.

One of the most valuable books to athleties ever published is the Champion Pocket Manual for 1893.

It is a neat, complete and can easily be carried in the vest pocket.

This little book contains athletic records in baseball, football, cycling, turf, prize ring, rowing, yachting, intercollegiate athletics, interscholastic athletics, lawn tennis, cricket, track athletics, cross country running, billiards and pool.

The "Champion Pocket Manual" is published by F. K. Lanpher & Co., 48 and 50 Summer St., and costs only 10 cents. All the records are signed by such well-known gentlemen as James G. Lathrop, T. H. Murnane. Allen Lowe, William E. Robinson, B. E. B. Mitchell, H. S. Cornish, F. C. Carter, Capt. A. W. Cooke, W. P. Marshall.

The book is on sale at Leavitt and Pierce and at Sanborn's.

