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S. E. Winslow, captain of Harvard's '85 nine, is a candidate for Chairman of the Massachusetts Republican Committee.

Jan. 26 is the day of prayer for colleges

W. W. Cressy. Harvard '92, is teaching English at Oberlin.

President Eliot was the guest of the class of '78 at its dinner Friday.

The English Club of the Annex will give a reception to Professor Norton today.


The next concert of the Amherst Glee Club will be given at Ware, Jan. 30.

The U. of P. has been allotted 1500 feet for its exhibit at the World's Fair.

A U. of P. Alumni Association has been founded in the state of Delaware.

In the last twenty years Yale has gained 1000 students while Harvard has added 1800.

The late William F. Weld '76 who recently founded the new professorship at the Law School was a grandson of the William F. Weld who gave Weld Hall to the college.
