
Fact and Rumor.

There will be a lecture in History 12 on Saturday.

German 1b will next read Freytag's "Aus dem Mittelalter."

Terry, the league baseball pitcher will coach the Wesleyan nine this year.

Five of last year's ball nine at Wesleyan have returned to college this year and there are fifteen other promising candidates.

Dr, William G. Anderson has prepared a handbook on "Gymnastics for Common Schools," which has been published by the State Board of Education.


The National Magazine of New York has offered fourteen prizes varying from $50 to $800 for historical essays or stories. The competition is open to everybody.

The chapter on Richardson in Thackeray's "English Humorists" and Fieldings "Journal of a voyage to Lisbon" must be read in English A before next Saturday.

The Cornell Volunteer, a new monthly magazine, will appear in March. It will be published by the Cornell Mission Band and will be devoted to general missionary work.

Professor Farlow of the Botanical Department lectured on "Some of the Botanical Establishments of Europe' before the Boston Natural History Society last week.

The University of Pennsylvania has offered to throw open its undergraduate course to women whenever the money necessary for this extra expense shall be forthcoming.

Dr. McCosh of Princeton has been unanimously elected to the chairmanship of rational psychology of the International Congress of Education to be held in Chicago next summer.

Four prominent members of the Yale athletic team will be unable to go in the field this spring. They are Swayne and Allen the sprinters, Wade the bicycle rider and Stillman the shot putter.

Professor J. B. Greenough has prepared a series of "Progressive Pamphlets for Learning to Read Latin." which will give in consecutive numbers selected passages adapted to all grades of advancement in preparatory schools.
