

We invite all members of the University to contribute to this column, but we are not responsible for the sentiments expressed.

To the Editors of the Crimson:

In the communication of yesterday regarding the Harvard Union the writer made several excellent points in favor of some radical change. However, instead of outsiders criticising the Union and suggesting sweeping changes in its constitution, why would it not be well for them to organize a new debating society altogether ? Two societies will increase the interest not twofold merely, but many fold. Each will stimulate the other. Joint debates might then he arranged between the two local societies as a preliminary to the Yale debate A new debating society is needed here at Harvard - not because the Union is a failure, for it is not. but because in a University of this size there is ample room for two; because two will raise the standard of debating higher than ever, and because a second will be the most practical way for us to avoid the defects of the first.

