About thirty men are now working on the Freshman crew under the coaching of F. N. Watriss. The candidates have been divided into two divisions, one consisting of two crews in which are most of the men who have been training all the autumn, the other being made up of new men who have been playing football or have just begun training. The men in the first division are rowing with oars and have begun breaking their arms, and are learning the swing and the shoot. The new men are only rowing with straight arms as yet. It is too early to say much of the prospects of the crew although there is certainly some very good material. Following is a list of the men with their weights:
Kales 148
Townsend 163
Derby 158
Shephard 165
C lton 150
Lewis 161
Parker 157
Mann 150
Duffield 177
Mumford 158
Forbes 150
Furman 150
Howland 153
Steadman 163
Bullard 157
Stewart 150
Fox 159
Stevenson 173
Booth 175
Mannahan 171
Gould 170
Rice 183
Brewer 153
Frothingham 148
Dibblee 150
Russell 183
Worden 173
Webster 155
Ross 160
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