
Prizes for Engineering Theses.

We publish the following for the benefit of students in the Lawrence Scientific School and others taking Engineering courses.

The Engineering News Publishing Company of New York has just made its annual offer of prizes for the best graduating theses of '93. The contest is open to 1893 Graduates in any Engineering course of any college in the United States or Canada.

Following are the premiums to be competed for under the conditions named below.

First Premium $75.00

Second Premium 50.00


Third Premium 25.00

Conditions of the competition are as follows:

1. Competing theses must be sent in by the college authorities, not by the authors. They must be sent in anonymously, both as to author and college, indorsed on the outside, "For Engineering News Thesis Competition," and addressed in care of Francis Collingwood. Secretary of the American Society of Civil Engineers, 127 East 23rd Street, New York, who has kindly consented to receive and open he packages. They must be accompanied by a sealed envelope indorsed on the outside with the title of the thesis, and containing within the name, address and college of the author and a certificate from some one of his professors to the effect that the thesis has been examined and is indorsed as one in all known respects worthy, of entering such a competition. These sealed envelopes will be retained by Mr. Collingwood until after the awards are announced to him.

2. The examinations and awards will be made by the editors and associate editors of Engineering News, assisted by such experts in the several branches of engineering as they may select to aid them in reaching a just decision.

3. The basis of selection for premiums will be the same as that used in selecting papers for publication in engineering journals or society proceedings; that is to say, theses will be graded according to their apparent permanent value for the advancement of engineering practice or theory, either as records of original research. or as intelligent and concise discussions or critical summaries of older researches. Clearness. conciseness and care in summarizing conclusions will be essential merits for a high award.

4. The right is reserved of withholding any or all premiums, in case no theses of sufficient absolute merit to deserve them shall be received. No thesis not deemed worthy of publication in full in Engineering News will be awarded any premium.

5. Except for special reason stated, not more than three of the graduating theses of any one college shall be entered for the competition.

6. The right of first publication of all theses awarded premiums or Honorable Mention is reserved to Engineering News, and all theses receiving premiums will be so published.

7. No thesis which has been previously published in full or in substance will be eligible for the competition.

8. All theses competing for these prizes must be received by Mr. Collingwood, as above, on or before Aug. 1, 1893, and should be sent in as much earlier as possible.

9. The awards will be announced on or before Jan. 1, 1894, failing some special cause for further delay, All theses receiving neither premium nor mention will be returned by express to their authors. The manuscripts of the selected theses will belong to Engineering News, but the drawings will be returned after publication.

All communications relating to this competition should be addressed to EDITORS OF ENGINEERING NEWS, Tribune Building, New York.
