
Fact and Rumor.

The marks in English B were announced yesterday.

Lamar Soutter '95 has left college on account of illness.

The examinations for admission to Brown are for women as well as men.

Commencement exercises at Brown begin June 17 (class day) and end June 22.

The crew took down to New London three eight-oared and two pair-oared shells.


The University of New York has been petitioned to incorporate a college of accounts.

The revenues of Oxford and Cambridge represent a capital of about seventy millions of dollars.

The crew of the University of Pennsylvania leaves Philadelphia today for Ithaca, N. Y., where the Cornell-Pennsylvania race comes off on June 15.

The expenses of the eastern trip of the U. of M. base ball team were $1,211.26, this being some $200 less than the cost of last year's trip. The total receips amounted to $715.37, the guarantee amounting to $655.
