

We invite all members of the University to contribute to this column, but we are not responsible for the sentiments expressed.

To the Editors of the Crimson:

We were surprised to see in the CRIMSON this morning an announcement that no Scrub Championship series would be played, "owing to the small number of entries and the lateness of the season."

Four clubs have regularly entered and have been practising steadily for some weeks past. Surely it is not too late to arrange an interesting series with four nines, all of whom are anxious to play. If it is not too late for the players, it certainly ought not to be for the management; and if the latter are unwilling to provide cups, some trifling emblem - just to serve as an objective point - might be substituted. There are certain advantages about the scrub series which make it worth while to keep up the interest; and every member of the four nines hopes that some series may be speedily arranged.



June 8, 1892.
