For some time there has been a desire among the graduates to publish a graduate magazine, and at a meeting of graduates held in the winter a committee of four, consisting of Messrs. Blodgett, Nash, Wade and Bolles, was appointed to prepare a plan which they proposed at a later meeting. Among those interested in the plan are Col. Henry Lee, Rt. Rev. Phillips Brooks, Robert Treat Paine, Professor Ames, Roger Wolcott, William E. Russell, Frank Bolles, and others.
The published report of the committee considers first the need of a magazine for Harvard. Classes have grown so large within late years that the infrequency of class meetings and reports do not tend to keep the members closely together. Moreover there is considerable ignorance among graduates in regard to questions which arise in the administration of the University. Two papers have been started at various times, the "Harvard Register" and "The Graduate;" and three other attempts have been made but never succeeded.
The next consideration is the scope of the magazine, which would necessarily depend on its need. There need be no literary attempts, but the paper should give three things: a record of the life of the University, a record of the life of the graduates, a medium of communication and an opportunity for the inter-change of opinions between the two bodies.
The remaining consideration is as to the most practicable plan for establishing such a magazine on a permanent basis. The committee think the best plan is to let from twenty to forty men of each graduate class pay, as a gift, five dollars per year for the support of the magazine and assume the control of it. This association would elect its own officers and council to have control of the paper. The subscription price of the magazine to others should be one dollar; and it should best be issued in July, October, January and April with chances for extra issues.
This report was made at the last meeting of the graduates, when the same committee was appointed to consider the matter further, and they have not yet made their report.
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