
Fact and Rumor.

Marks are out in History 2.

The Yale launch will be ready for use this week.

Commencement exercises at Smith begin June 22.

The class of '92 Sheffield Scientific School has 108 members.

Towne '94, has been chosen captain of the Williams Athletic Association.


All examination problems in Mathematics 2 must be handed in not later than June 16.

Captain Wright of Yale has in a public letter withdrawn his protest against Evins.

B. R. Briggs, '94, has been elected captain of the Wesleyan athletic team for next year.

The Mott Haven and Yale-Harvard cups are on exhibition in Leavitt and Peirce's window.

A. H. Jones '93, of St. Louis, Mo., has been elected captain of Yale's intercollegiate athletic team for next year.

The University of Chicago, has begun the granting of scholarships, by offering twelve, to as many Chicago High Schools.

At the Harvard-Yale race there will be 40 cars on the observation train, or six more than ever before. Each car will also carry a dozen more passengers.

The New York Athletic Club will probably purchase a lot on the corner of sixth avenue and fifty-ninth street, for the purpose of erecting a new club house.

F. S. Duncan '90, will be married on June 14, at Englewood, N. J., to Miss Emily N. Brinckerhoff of that place. Mr. Duncan has, in the two years since graduation at Harvard, completed the course at the Columbia Law School.
