
The H. U. C. A. Meeting Today.

The Cycling Association has bard this year to give the college a to see a representative cycle meeting its own grounds. Almost double the number of last year's entries have been received and among them are four of the seven or eight fastest men in the country. Zimmerman is in England and Windle and Hoyland Smith are not yet fit. Of the four men who are down to ride, Berlo has a record of 2 min. 18 1-5 secs. for the mile and he finished first in a scratch mile at Worcester on Monday, doing 2 min. 25 secs. the last quarter being 29 1-5 secs., which is now the world's record at this distance. Taylor holds the world's record at 2 miles in 4 min- 48 2-5 secs., and Tyler, S. B. C., has a record of 2 min. 25 1-5 secs. for the mile. Banker and Karl Hess, M. A. C., are both very fast, Hess having done better than 2 min. 30 secs. in Germany.

The features of the meeting will be the Scratch Mile, the Limited Mile Handicap and a team race between the Springfield Bicycle Club of Sprinfield, and the Press Cycle Club of Boston, Berle being on one team and Taylor on the other. The Harvard team has been somewhat weakened by the injuries received on the smash up in the final heat of the bicycle race at New York last Saturday.

Cycling is certainly taking a much more prominent position among college sports, and in the hopes of developing new material for the H. U. C. A. team, the Mott Haven games and Yale-Harvard dual games be fore next year the management has added a novice race open only to Harvard men. Very little money has been collected from the college this year, and, as the association has not turned out self-supporting, it is hoped that the team will be well supported tomorrow.

The order of events is as follows: Scratch mile, preliminary heats; 2.50 half, preliminary heats; scratch mile, final; 2.50 half, final; interscholastic; team race; mile handicap, preliminary heats; Harvard, finals of handicap mile; special handicap, preliminary heats; ordinary; special handicap, finals.

Special team race:


Springfield Bicycle Club, Springfield: H. C. Tyler, F. C. Graves, G. F. Taylor. Ed. Nelson, Sub.

Press Cycle Club, Boston : P. J. Berlo, E. A. McDuffee, J. P. Clark. J. P. Martin, Sub.

Half mile (scratch), 2.50 class - D. W. Hennan, Cambridge; A. K. Pressy, P. C. C., Newton; H. M. Stevens, H. A. A., Cambridge; F. S. Elliot, H. U. C. A., Cambridge; O. B. Hawes, H. U. C. A., Cambridge; Thos. Ralph, S. Bi. C., Springfield; J. R. Stith, Pope Mfg. C., Boston; E. Nelson, S. Bi. C. Springfield; T. L. Connelly, M. A. C., Boston; R. W. Taylor, Melrose A. C., Melrose; Francis F. Dunn, Springfield; H. Y. Brown, K. C. W. Brooklyn.

One mile ordinary, (handicap) - C. R. Culver, (50 yds.); W. Ourish, (50 yds.); J. F. Connelly, (scratch); P. J. Styffe, (75 (yds.); A. K. Pressey, (scratch); H. G. Brown, (50 yds.)

One mile, Interscholastic championship - D. W. Hennan, Kendals School; S. M. Gallagher, Wellesley High; F. Qurish, Dorchester High; C. M. Weld, Roxbury Latin; I. J. Vanghan, Camb. M. T. Sch., H. H. Brown, Hale's, Boston.

One mile special, (handicap), open 100 yards: R. H. Davis, (35), F. S. Elliot (90), P. W. Davis, (50), Thos. Ralph, (40), F. C. Graves, (40), Ed. Nelson, (100), G. F. Taylor, (scratch), H. C. Tyler, (scratch), Daniel Connally, (75), P. J. Berlo, (scratch), F. F. Dunn, (100), H. B. Arnold, (75), Geo. Banker, (50), Karl Hess, (60), W. J. Grandin, (75), E. D. Knap, (90), L. D. Munger, (100), J. Hazelton, (75), T. L. Connelly, (60), G. E. Quinn, (60), G. L. Garay, (90).

One mile handicap open : A. K. Pressey, (100 yds.), L. A. Kelley, (150 yds.), H. M. Stevens. (175 yds.), R. H. Davis, (35 yds.), F. S. Elliot, (100 yds.), Philip Davis, (50 yds.), O. B. Hawes, (100 yds.), Thos. Ralph, (50 yds.), J. R. Stith, (175 yds.), J. H. Carter, (150 yds.), F. C. Graves, (35 yds.), Ed. Nelson, (100 yds.), G. F. Taylor, (scratch), H. C. Tyler (scratch), C. R. Culver, (125 yds.), D. Connolly, (75 yds.), S. L. Connolly (75 yards), R. W. Taylor, (150 yds.), P. J. Berlo, (scratch), F. F. Dunn, (175 yds.), H. B Arnold, (75 yds.), W. Grandin, (75 yds.), Carl Hess, (75 yds.), Geo. Banker, (60 yds.), G. L. Gary, (100 yds.), Geo. E. Quinn, (75 yds.), J. Hazelton, (75 yds.), L. D. Munger, (100 yds.), E. D. Knap, (90 yds.), F. S. Pratt, (90 yds.), Greenburg, (75 yds.)

One mile scratch open : P. W. Davis, S. E. Quinn, G. Banker, H. B. Arnold, F. S. Pratt, J. Hazelton, T. L. Connelly, R. H. Davis, D. Connelly, G. L. Gary, K. Hess, H. C. Tyler, E. D. Knapp, A. D. Munger, S. T. Taylor, T. Ralph, P. J. Berlo, F. C. Graves.

One mile novice, open to members of the University : M. E. Greenbery '95, H. M. Sterns '95, C. T. Keller '94, H. Hutchinson '94.
