

THEMES, Compositions and Note-books in German III, E1 and A5 will be returned on Monday, June 6, from 1.30 to 2 p. m. in Sever 2.

H. K. SCHILLING.JANITOR'S Office, Hemenway Gymnasium. - The lease of lockers ends with the academic year. Everything should be removed therefrom and the keys returned to this office before Class Day. Anything found in any locker, after it is given up, will be regarded as abandoned; and if the key is not returned before leaving, it will be charged on the gymnasium account of the lessee. Those who wish to renew their lockers, can sign the lease now. After Class Day they will be leased to the first applicants.

THE following is the arrangement for the exam. in French 1b today: Allen to F. L. Gilman, in Sever 13. J. E. Gilman to Peabody, in Sever 17. Peters to Wrenn, in Sever 18.

JUNIOR CLASS. - There will be a meeting of the Junior Class in Lower Massachusetts, on Monday evening, June 6, at 7.15 to take action on the death of Harold M. Battelle.

BERNARD W. TRAFFORD,President.H. U. C. A. - The officers of the Harvard Cycling Race meet will please be on Holmes Field at 3 o'clock sharp this afternoon.

