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The death of a member of the University always appeals with peculiar sadness to the rest of the college, and when a man is one who has become prominent in the life of the college, and has done a distinct service for his Harvard, the blow comes home all the harder. But it is not so much the college distinction which Harold Battelle has gained that makes his death such a matter of personal sorrow to the members of the college, as it is his own lovable nature which made his friends so fond of him. Everyone who knew Battelle, and the number of those who have had this privilege has fortunately been large, could not fail to love his bright face and his simple ways. That cheerful disposition, cheerful even under such a trial, has won for him a lasting place in the hearts of the present generation of Harvard.

The men who only a few years ago started at Harvard an association in the interests of cycling have reason now to look back with a good deal of satisfaction on the results of their efforts. Since the H. U. A. C. has come into existence, the increase of the interest which has been taken at Harvard in cycling has been very marked. The hare and hounds runs, the road races, and finally the cycling meets have all tended to produce in the college a greater enthusiasm for cycling and a faster grade of riders. The success which Harvard has had during the last year or two whenever her cycling representatives have contested in any sports, has been due in a large degree to the existence of the Cycling Association. The unfortunate accidents at the Intercollegiate games prevented the Harvard riders from making a proper showing, but this afternoon they have an opportunity of letting the college see what results the Cycling Association can produce.

TUTORING in Spanish 1 and Italian 1.

F. C. COMMONS '92,



18 Hollis.
