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Batchelder, Nichols, Collamore, Bloss, Shead, Brown, and Evins are to compete for the B. A. A. at the New England championship games June 11.

S. H. Williams, Yale '91, the famous hurdler, has been engaged as athletic instructor at Pencharter School, Philadelphia.

Eight new instructors were chosen recently at the regular meeting of the Yale Corporation. W. L. Phelps, instructor at Harvard, was elected instructor in English literature; Jules Luquien, professor of Romance languages in the Mass. Institute of Technology, will succeed Professor Knapp as professor of modern language. Professor Williams of Cornell was appointed the successor of Professor Dana.

In the games of the Manhattan Athletic Club, May 30th, two Harvard men won places. E. B. Bloss in the running broad jump, was second, (5 in.), 22 ft. 2 in., S. H. Evins in throwing the 16 pound hammer, took third place with a throw of 107 ft. 8 in. In the spring meeting of the New Jersey Athletic Club on the same day, Bloss won the 100 yard dash (handicap), in 10 2-5s., also the running broad jump, clearing, however, only 21 ft. 5 3-4 in.
