
The Harvard Nine.

In view of yesterday's game, it may be of interest to the readers of the CRIMSON to know, what the different members of the Harvard team have done on the base ball field up to this time.

L. A. Frothingham (age 20, weight 145) captain of the team, played for two years on the nines at Adams Academy and was captain the last year. He was also captain of the ninety-three freshman nine which defeated Yale in both games. Ever since he has been in college he has played on the 'varsity, his first year, at second base, last year at right field and this year at second base.

F. H. Hovey, L. S. (age 23, weight 163) played on the Newton High School team, was captain of the Brown freshman and was on the Brown 'varsity for four years. He has been short stop on the Harvard 'varsity for two years and led in batting last season.

F. W. Hallowell '93 (age 21, weight 156) pitched for the Medford High School team and was captain and pitcher of the Brooks of West Medford before coming to college. He played left field on the ninety-three freshman nine, center field on the 'varsity last year and holds the same position at present.

B. Cook Jr. '92 (age 21, weight 139) was right field in his class nine in his Sophomore year and since then has played third base on the 'varsity.


B. W. Trafford '93 (age 20, weight 175) left field, has filled different positions on the Fall River High School teams. At Exeter in '89, he caught for the nine which defeated Andover. He played first base on the ninety-three freshman nine and on the 'varsity during his first two years in college.

A. Dickinson '94 (age 21, weight 160) played on the Cambridge Latin School nine from 1888-90, and was captain the first year. He pitched the second game against the Yale freshman last year and was substitute on the 'varsity. This year he has been playing on first.

J. Corbett '94 (age 22, weight 155) caught for the Cambridge Latin School from 1888-90, and was captain for one year. He also caught for the ninety-four freshman nine, played right field for the B. A. A. last summer, and this year played right field on the 'varsity.

H. W. Bates '93 (age 23, weight 142) fitted at the Newton High School. In his first year at college he pitched for the 'varsity and was also captain of the ninety-one freshman team. With one exception he has pitched every year since he has been in college. In the summers of '89 and '90, he was captain of the Staten Island Athletic Club nine.

F. W. Cobb '93 (age 23, weight 166) was captain and catcher of the nine during his last two years at the East Greenwich Academy. When a freshman, he played on the Wesleyan team. Last year he was one of the catchers for the Harvard 'varsity and is filling the same position this year. He and Highlands were the battery for the B. A. A. nine last summer.

F. Mason, L. S. (age 23, weight 163) was captain and catcher of the Bridgeton Academy team and in '87 he caught for the Bates College freshmen. He played in the same position for the ninety-one Harvard freshman team, and in '90 he played left field on the 'varsity. Last year he caught for the Stone-hams. The early part of this season he was tried in left field, but was afterward changed to catcher.

J. A. Highlands, L. S. S. (age 23, weight 196) has played in different positions on the Fall River High School nines. He was captain of the Vermont Academy and of the Technology freshman teams. He has pitched for the Millers of Wakefield, the B. A. A. and for Harvard in both games.
