
College Republicans.

Mr. J. L. Dodge, 1st Law, President of the "Harvard Republican Club," has an interesting article in the June number of the "North American Review," on "College Republicans."

The entrance of the College into politics will be a feature of the Presidential campaign of 1892. Men have realized that college thought and educational sentiment are becoming yearly a more important influence upon public opinion. To further such influence Republican clubs have been formed in many of the colleges. In political clubs of former years, the idea has been more to get fun out of torchlight processions etc., than to accomplish any particular good.

The work for these Republican clubs has been organized by the formation of an Intercollegiate Republican League, on May 17, 1892. During the coming campaign, public meetings will be held under the auspices of these clubs, and prominent speakers will be secured. Members themselves will take some active share in campaign work.

There will be probably 1800 students in Harvard old enough to register next fall, and so the Republican Club has been formed not merely to keep the Republican party in the campaign, but also to influence the new voters in college. The club was formed by students entirely independent of any outside influence.

It is often said that the tendency of a Harvard education is to make men believers in Free Trade. This does not seem true. Of the 1619 students graduating in the years 1885-92, 1430 expressed party preference, 49.8 per cent. were Republican 25.5 Democratic and 24.7 per cent. independent. Of 153 graduates of Harvard, who have held high office in State or National Government, 114 may fairly be classed as believers in the principles of the Republican party, and 39 in those of the Democrats.

