
Glee Club Notes.

With Class Day evening when it will sing in the yard, the university glee club ends another busy and prosperous year. The idea of a Christmas trip, which has been in more or less of an experimental stage till this year, has been proven conclusively a source of benefit and pleasure to all concerned and it bids fair to become a fixture in the yearly programme of the club.

Last fall concerts were given in Jamaica Plain and Springfield before the Harvard-Yale game, in Boston at the Art Club and in Cambridge at Sanders and Brattle Hall. On the trip there were six concerts, at Washington, St. Louis, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Milwaukee and Chicago. After the trip the new club went to work on the programme for the spring concert, singing before this at the Art Club, Belmont and Concord. Then came the spring concert, the one in Charlestown and one, also, at the Country Club.

This year has seen two notable changes in matters relating to the club; first in the place for holding rehearsals, and second in the manner of selling tickets for the Sanders concerts. The club fortunately secured the upper story of the old Pudding Building on Holmes Field where all the rehearsals this year have been held. Concerning the tickets, effort has been made, and successfully, to remove the objectionable features which have crept into the Sanders concerts, by making the sale of each ticket traceable to some member of the club.

Next year the club will have nearly the same men as this year, but plenty of room will be made for good material which may present itself at the trial of candidates in the fall. The officers have sketched out a trip for next year though of course no moves have been made yet in preparation for it.
