STUDENTS in French 1b and French 2 who have not yet handed in their blue books for the final examinations are requested to leave them before noon today in Sever 23.
R. S.THE photograph of the '94 Institute will be taken this afternoon on the steps of Sever Hall at 3.30.
J. M. THOMPSON, Sec.On Friday, June 3, from 9 to 10 a.m. I shall be glad to meet in Sever 2, students who wish to ask questions about the final examinations in German 2, 5 or 11.
KUNO FRANCKE.SIGNET PHOTOGRAPH. - The photograph of the '93 Signet will be taken at Pach's studio at 1.20 sharp on Friday, June 3. Every member should be present.
PRESIDENT.ON Thursday and Friday, June 2 and 3 seniors may see at U. 9 the record of their college studies.
2tCLASS of 91. - There will be a subscription dinner of the class on the evening before Commencement, June 28. The place will be announced later. All the members of the class, who intend to be present, must send their names to M. O. Simons, 14 H'y; or sign a blue book at Leavitt & Peirce's before June 26.
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Letter to Mr. and Mrs. Durham.